
曹 婕12,王智慧2,段 蕊1,刘耘珲12,孙义凡12,丛 威2,张俊杰1*,程显阳1

1.江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,江苏连云港 222000

2.中国科学院过程工程研究所生化工程国家重点实验室,北京 100089

摘要:本文以螺旋藻的培养密度、温度、pH、光照等因素为变量,螺距的变化量和生长速度为指标,对影响螺旋藻螺距及其生长的关键因素进行研究。实验首先将螺距为8.7413.80 μmA组样品与螺距为21.3628.75 μmB组样品在相同条件下培养,测得B组样品的生长速度比A组快10.16%12.70%。同时B组螺旋藻的蛋白质、叶绿素含量和细胞活性也高于A 组;将螺距为 23.0034.50 μm 的螺旋藻在温度不同(2832 )其他条件相同下培养7 d后发现,温度越高螺旋藻螺距越小,且在30 时螺距变化量最小,生长速度最快;培养密度的大小会直接影响螺旋藻的螺距,螺旋藻培养浓度OD560 nm值在0.31.9范围内,培养密度越大螺旋藻螺距越小;光照对螺旋藻的螺距和生长速度有非常大的影响,光照在80260 μmol/m2·s)范围内,光照越强螺旋藻螺距越大,当光照强度为120 μmol/m2·s)时螺旋藻生长速度最快。不同波长的光对藻细胞生长速度的影响不同,红光条件下生长速度最快,其效率值为1.956、蓝光最低仅为0.568pH对藻细胞的螺距影响不大,但对其生长速度有一定影响,当pH值为9.0时藻细胞生长速度最快。


中图分类号:Q945   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202206-0032-0007

Study on the Key Factors Affecting the Pitch and Growth of Spirulina

CAO Jie12, WANG Zhihui2, DUAN Rui1, LIU Yunhui12, SUN Yifan12, CONG Wei2, ZHANG Junjie1*, CHENG Xianyang1

1.Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang Jiangsu 222000, China;

2.National Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100089, China

AbstractIn this paper, the key factors affecting the pitch and growth of Spirulina were studied with factors such as culture density, temperature, pH, and light as variables, and the variation of pitch and growth rate as indicators. In the experiment, the samples of group A with a pitch of 8.7413.80 μm and the samples of group B with a pitch of 21.3628.75 μm were cultured under the same conditions. The growth rate of group B was 10.16%12.70% faster than that of group A. At the same time, the protein, chlorophyll content and cell activity of Spirulina in group B were also higher than those in group A. After culturing Spirulina with a pitch of 23.0034.50 μm for 7 days under the same conditions at different temperatures (2832 ), it was found that the higher the temperature the pitch of algal cells will become smaller, and at 30 , the pitch change is the smallest, and the growth rate is the fastest; the size of the culture density will directly affect the pitch of algal cells. When the OD560 nm value of Spirulina culture concentration is within the range of 0.31.9, the higher the culture density, the smaller the Spirulina pitch. The light has a great influence on the pitch and growth rate of the algal cell. When the light is in the range of 80260 μmol/(m2·s), the stronger the light, the greater the Spirulina pitch. When the light intensity is 120 μmol/(m2·s), the growth rate of algal cells is the fastest. Different wavelengths of light have different effects on the growth rate. The growth rate is the highest under red light conditions, and its efficiency value is 1.956 and blue light is the lowest, it is only 0.568; pH has little effect on the pitch of algal cells, but has a certain effect on its growth rate. When the pH value is 9.0, the growth rate of algal cells is the fastest.

KeywordsSpirulina pitch; growth rate; culture conditions; temperature; density; light










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  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247